PCAP Overview
The Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) is a paraprofessional home visitation model for extremely high-risk substance abusing women. There are three program-inclusion criteria: (1) chronic alcohol and/or drug use during pregnancy, (2) little or no connection with community service providers, and (3) inadequate or no prenatal care.
The program uses a consistent, three-year case-management approach, which is an effective complement to traditional substance abuse treatment. Advocates initially visit client homes weekly and then biweekly or more/less frequently, depending on client needs. Case management focuses not only on reducing alcohol and drug use, but also reducing other risk behaviors and addressing the health and social well-being of the entire family.
Program goals
The goals of the program are as follows:
Assist mothers in obtaining treatment, maintaining recovery, and resolving the complex problems associated with their substance abuse
Guarantee the children are in a safe environment and receiving appropriate health care
Effectively link families with community resources
Demonstrate successful strategies for working with this population in order to break the cycle and decrease the number of affected children
PCAP Approach
Trained and supervised case managers provide home visitation and intervention for 3 years. Case managers assist clients in:
Setting goals and identifying steps to achieve them
Obtaining alcohol/drug treatment
Staying in recovery
Choosing a family planning method
Child health care/immunizations
Connecting with community services
Solving housing, domestic violence, child custody problems
Resolving system service barriers
Mothers are not asked to leave the program if they relapse or experience setbacks. Case managers provide extensive practical assistance and the long-term emotional support so important to women who are making fundamental changes in their lives.
Additional Information
The program does not provide direct alcohol/drug treatment or clinical services, but instead offers consistent home visitation and connects women and their families with a comprehensive array of existing community resources. Advocates link clients with appropriate service providers and work actively within the context of the extended family.
Clients are not required to obtain alcohol/drug treatment in order to participate and are never asked to leave the program because of relapse or setbacks. Advocates track missing clients, stay in contact with each client's family members, and provide ongoing advocacy services for involved children.
To make a referral or talk to a supervisor, contact: (509) 838-6092 or (509) 954-0170.